the Candyman
Strings & Things
the Candyman
Strings & Things
Musicians Workshop Series

The Candyman Summer Rock Camp
Photo and Video Release
Photos, videos and audio of campers are taken throughout the camp duration. These may be posted to The Candyman Facebook Page, The Candyman YouTube Channel, on The Candyman website, through The Candyman group email messages, etc.
Photos, audio and/or video may also be selected for use in The Candyman social media and other promotional programs and campaigns. Parent and camper must understand and agree that these materials will become property of The Candyman Summer Rock Camp. Campers will not be compensated for such publications.
By enrolling in The Candyman Summer Rock Camp, consent and permission is granted for the use and/or publication of photos, videos, and recordings of camper(s).
By enrolling a student in Summer Rock Camp, it is binding that this policy is understandable and agreeable by the Signatore. A digital signature, included on the online registration, executes this agreement.